Funeral ring of dog named Mika

Miko - A Star in Our Lives

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In the gentle dream of life, among the stars that illuminate our existence, there are special beings that shine with a particular radiance. Miko, Marie-Ève's loyal companion, was one of these stars. He was more than just a dog; he was a cherished member of the family, an invaluable friend, and a ray of sunshine on the darkest days.

Miko was a perfect dog in every way, unconditionally loving children, treats, and above all, his dear Marie-Ève. He was her shadow, faithfully following her through every adventure of daily life, whether it was at daycare or at home. Their bond was unbreakable, a pure and deep connection that defied time.

But life, sometimes ruthless, placed a formidable challenge in their path. Diabetes came to darken Miko's days, slowly stealing the precious light from his eyes. However, Marie-Ève's boundless love never wavered. For two years, she dedicated every day to caring for her faithful companion, administering insulin with infinite tenderness. Their already strong bond became an inspiration to all who surrounded them.

Miko left an enormous void in Marie-Ève's heart, but he also left a precious legacy of courage, loyalty, and boundless love. This ring that I create with passion, adorned with white opal symbolizing Miko's purity, contains a fragment of his precious fur and is a tribute to this star that illuminated many lives.

In every reflection of the opals, in every detail of my work, I honor the memory of Miko, the faithful companion, the unforgettable friend, and Marie-Ève's beloved "potato." May you find in my creations the same warmth and affection that he brought to all who crossed his path.

Miko, you will live eternally in our hearts, a shining star that will never fade.